We are closed for Christmas between 22nd December and 3rd January 2023
Chart Stables Chart Garages
01233 229 898
The Chart Range
Designed With Your Needs In Mind
Build a Quote:

The Chart Range

Our traditional hexagonal gazebos create an elegant garden focal point and a relaxing nook from which to enjoy your garden. Please note the hexaganol range is currently not in production. Have  look at the Chart square gazebo.

Chart Range Features and Specifications

Main Features

  • Eaves height of 2.2m.
  • Shiplap clad sectional pitched roof.
  • 100mm x 75mm pressure treated softwood framing.
  • Pressure treated decked floor.

Optional Upgrades

  • Choice of all open sides, spindles, and handrails or enclosed with diamond trellis or Shiplap cladding.
  • Internal seating can be incorporated if required.
  • Windows

Upgrades over Range

Full Specification

Wall Construction

Upright support posts, Ex-100mm x 75mm (4″ x 3″) with pressure-treated softwood framing. As standard the Gazebo comes with three sides infilled with vertical TGV cladding. Optional extras include diamond trellis infill panels to sides and bench seating fitted internally. Refer to the Optional Features.

Roof Construction

Sectional pitched design finished on top with Shiplap cladding, lead capping and a finial.


To eaves, 2200mm (7’3″) including the floor. The overall height of the building will vary upon the width of the building; please enquire.


Is not included


Floors are constructed using 75mm x 50mm (3″ x 2″) joists and covered with Ex – 32mm x 125mm
(1 ¼” x 5″) Decking.

Optional Features

A range of infill timber clad panels are available to add to your Gazebo to give a very individual appearance including; diamond trellis panels and the option to have internal fitted bench seating to three sides . Please refer to our gallery of photos for ideas.

Timber Treatment

All timber is pressure-treated, (excluding rafters).

Staining and Painting

The external wall panels of our buildings will take a range of stains or paints should you wish to  add colour.